"Marzipan" MBH Second To None (photo curtesy of Visions Photography) Mossbawnhill is located a mile from the beach on the Ards Penninsula in County Down Northern Ireland,we are constantly striving to retain breed essence,health & sound movement within our breeding programme whilst also keeping the term "FIT FOR FUNCTION" forefront in our minds. Loved,owned & very proudly exhibited by Ryan & Pamela Hunter and more recently Kirsty Fyffe. Lovingly bred & reared in our home by Ryan & Pamela.
Fashions Change.......................Standards Don't
***UPDATED ~ 25th Sept 2022***
We currently have no puppies available ,however,we have just a mated "Fell" MBH It's A Felony to a MBH male and both dogs are heart tested (clear),we already have reservations in place for
puppies from this mating,especially for bitches and we ourselves will also be retaining a bitch (if we get any), so if you are genuinely interested in adding a lovely Mossbawnhill puppy to your family then please click on our "Puppy Policy" page & read
through it carefully first,and if you are still interested then we can be contacted initially via our website on our "Contact" page for more details and the possibility of being added to our "puppy waiting list".
Thank you.
Our Philosophy....
First and foremost we believe that whippets should be able to perform the function for which they were originally bred whilst still maintaining breed essence which incorporates that wonderful series of 'S' shaped curves,combined with effortless sound movement & super temperaments...this is what defines a whippet as a whippet.
Mossbawnhill is a small & select show kennel (though our dogs all live in our home & are part of our family) of versatile whippets,we are registered with the UK Kennel Club as part of their "Assured Breeder Scheme" our primary aim is to try and maintain this wonderful breed and to strive to produce quality,sound,healthy dogs who are bred not only for temperament & breed type but also with beauty in mind as well as being able to meet their functional expectations.We are quite unique within the UK & Ireland as we aim to breed a more American/Continental type of whippet,rather than the usual English type that would be seen & exhibited more often in the UK. Our lines are based on & incorporate some of the top kennels in America,Canada & Europe including Lorricbrook,Chelsea,Bohem,Sportingfields,Starline and Paris (from America & Canada),Airescot,Di Mahana & Woodbrook's kennels (from Europe) and of course our foundation comes from Collooney here in Northern Ireland.The dogs on the following pages are our family,they live in our home with us & sleep in our bedroom,they may not all be showdogs but they are all loving family members. We hope that you enjoy seeing what Mossbawnhill is all about,thankyou for visiting with us....Ryan & Pamela Hunter.
This site is dedicated to "Bracken" IR & INT Ch.Collooney Mamma Mia (pictured above by 'At It's Best Photography') our foundation bitch,for without her Mossbawnhill would not exist.
So Thank You Bracken!